You, the petitioner
Slide 2 new stop liander   kubus

Say no to any electricity station on the Uilenburg

225 signatures

The latest building plans of Liander & Gemeente for an electricity station on Uilenburg are unacceptable to the neighbourhood: it is inappropriate in this historic residential area, harms the quality of life and poses health & safety risks. Action: clear the site for more housing and green spaces.



concerned residents, workers, local stakeholders on/around Uilenburg and other Amsterdammers, ‘


establish that:

NOTE that:

  • a new electricity station is inappropriate in this historic residential area (with a 12-½ metre high blind wall on the street) and is detrimental to local quality of life;
  • it has health risks (EMF) and harms the well-being of residents
  • relocation of the 1887 teacher's house (municipal monument) is unacceptable;
  • current plans would cause 4-6 years of construction inconvenience, and depreciation of the surrounding houses.


and request

the City of Amsterdam:

  • to remove the electricity station altogether from the Uilenburgereiland, for the sake of the health and welfare and safety of the residents and the quality of the living environment in this historic district;
  • instruct Liander to find an alternative location for the new electricity station;
  • not to move the teacher's house (municipal monument);
  • to build housing (including elderly facilities) and green spaces on the vacant site.

Sign this petition

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Addressed to:
Petition desk:
Closing date:
Lead petitioner:
Michiel Schwarz 

